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Joan Bibelhausen, JD, and Robin Wolpert, Esq. 


TITLE:  Sleep, Neuroscience, Ethics

1.25 CLE Credit

Sleep impairment impacts all aspects of client representation, including competence, focus, diligence, decision-making, effective client communication, and case management. Sleep deprivation predicts lawyer misconduct by increasing anxiety, interrupting working memory, and impairing effective executive thinking. This program provides the latest neuroscience behind sleep, and its impact on mental health, substance use, ethical behavior, and performance. It also provides the latest neuroscience behind trust and how to generate the moral molecule—oxytocin—to enhance ethical behavior, performance, joy, and better self-care practices.

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Joan Bibelhausen, JD, has served as Executive Director of Minnesota’s Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers since 2005. She is an attorney and received her JD from the University of Minnesota Law School. Joan is nationally recognized for her work in the lawyer assistance and diversity and inclusion realms and has significant additional training in counseling, mental health and addiction, diversity, employment issues, and management. 

(for more, visit Staff - Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (


Robin Wolpert, Esq., is an accomplished business and criminal defense litigator who carries a passion for public service.  Robin has earned recognition as a speaker at previous ABA conferences on lawyer wellness, and she is deeply committed to ethics in law.  She serves on numerous committees supporting lawyers’ success, taught as an adjunct law professor in 2022, and is a past president of the MN Bar Association.  (To see more on Robin’s numerous roles promoting lawyer well-being and ethics, as well as her diverse private practice activities, visit Our Team | Sapientia Law )

Leah Claire Bennett, Ph.D. 

Disarming the Defenses: Delving Beneath the Attorney's Resistance

1.0 CLE Credit


Content of Presentation

The presenter will explore personal traits and environmental factors that commonly impact attorneys, and will help attendees learn to identify and overcome these often unrecognized impediments to maximized personal happiness and career success.  In this presentation, objectives will include the following:

  • Understand developmental and environmental factors for attorneys that contribute to difficulties in personality

  • Identify and discuss resistance to change and emotional drivers for these patterns

  • Learn what is being protected with each defense mechanism/personality



Leah Claire Bennett, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and nationally recognized authority as a clinician with more than 17 years of experience helping attorneys with vocational and relational issues, maladaptive personality problems, addiction, disruptive workplace behavior and sexual issues..  As a regular speaker addressing professionals’ wellness, Dr. Bennett is lauded for her deep understanding of human motivations and her insights to spur positive change in highly-skilled professionals.  Dr. Bennett serves as Clinical Operations Director at Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services, where she has been a leader in the Professional Enhancement Program (PEP) since 2005. 


(To learn more about Pine Grove treatment for professionals and the PEP program at ; and to  hear Dr. Bennett discuss Taming Disruptive Behavior, go to ).


Presenter/VP of Addiction Services, Meadows Behavioral Healthcare


Jennifer Angier, MS, is celebrated nationally for her compassionate, personal, and inspirational approach to helping individuals who are struggling with behavioral issues and emotional turmoil.  As a recognized expert on addiction treatment techniques, Jennifer regularly speaks at national conferences to paraprofessionals groups, and in employee assistance programs, healthcare, and collegiate programs.  A veteran in the behavioral healthcare field, Jennifer Angier has more than three decades of clinical and operations experience. She is currently the Vice President of Addiction Services for Meadows Behavioral Healthcare, which includes heading up Meadows Case Management, a program she is personally passionate about.





(To hear Jennifer discuss The Deeds of Mercy, visit , and to view Jennifer’s CLE (2.0 credits available/$15) at the 2021 FLA Workshop, please select The Movement of Grace at )

TITLE:  The Depths of Mercy in Recovery

2.0 CLE credits


Participants in this workshop will be challenged to recognize the emergence and the living experience of mercy in professional patients struggling with the disease of addiction, trauma, and mental illness, as well as broaden their own understanding of the intimate qualities of their abstinence. Often, these patients experience a broad range of difficulties in their efforts to come to terms with the impact trauma, anger, isolation, addiction, and mental illness has had on all facets of their lives. The journey from pain to redemption is a story that provides hope to those who are edging toward living deeply in love and mercy. 

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